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Culti Milano Candle Gelsomino

Culti Milano Candle Gelsomino

Impuestos Incluidos

Objetos de diseño exclusivos caracterizados por líneas limpias y una elegante simplicidad, que realzan cada habitación con suaves atmósferas oníricas. Las fragancias de las velas evocan diferentes mundos que pueden mezclarse armoniosamente en un baile de luz perfumada. Gelsomino: Justo a la vuelta de la esquina, un encuentro repentino con una pared cubierta de jazmín trepador. Una explosión floral fresca que es intensa al principio pero se derrite suavemente, manteniendo su persistencia inquebrantable.

EN: SCENTED CANDLE. WARNING: H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with local regulations. P280 Wear gloves. P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. P102 Keep out of reach of children. P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/attention. P273 Avoid release to the environment. CONTAINS: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. EN: SCENTED CANDLE. WARNING: H317 May cause an allergic skin reaction. P501 Dispose of contents/ container to local regulations. P280 Wear protective gloves. P101 If medical advice is needed, have product container or label at hand. P102 Keep out of reach of children. P333+P313 If skin irritation or rash occurs: Get medical advice/ attention. P273 Avoid release to the environment. CONTAINS: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. DE: DUFTKERZE. ACHTUNG: H317 Flüssigkeit und Dampf leicht entzündbar. P501 Inhalt/ Behälter gemäß den geltenden Gesetzen entsorgen. P280 Schutzhandschuhe tragen. P101 Ist ärztlicher Rat erforderlich, Verpackung oder Kennzeichnungsetikett bereithalten. P102 Darf not in the hands of Kindergartens. P333+P313 Bei Hautreizung oder -ausschlag: Ärztlichen Rat einholen/ärztliche Hilfe hinzuziehen. P273 Freisetzung in die Umwelt vermeiden. ENTHÄLT: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. FR: BOUGIE PARFUMÈE. ATTENTION: H317 May cause skin allergies. P501 Discard the contents/container in accordance with the regulations. P102 Store children's carry bags. P280 Protection gants holder. P101 When consulting a doctor, look at the disposition of the container or the product label. P273 Do not disperse in the environment. P333+P313 In case of skin irritation or breakout: consult a doctor. CONTIENT: 2-Phénylméthylèneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. EX: SCENTED SAIL. WARNING: H317 May cause an allergic reaction in the skin. P501 Dispose of contents/container in accordance with current legislation. P280 Take off protective gloves. P101 If you need medical advice, keep the container or label in hand. P102 Keep the children safe. P333+P313 In case of skin irritation or rash: Consult a doctor. P273 Avoid release to the environment. CONTAINS: 2-Phenylmethyleneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. RO: PARFUMED LUMÂNARE. WARNING: H317 Poate causes allergic reaction to skin. P501 The contents / container comply with the legislation in force. P280 Cleans protective hands. P101 If you need to consult your doctor, please refer to the container with its product label. P102 No one leaves the same copyist. P333+P313 To prevent skin irritation or skin rashes: consult your doctors. P273 Avoid dispersion in medium. CONTINUT: 2-phenylmethyleneoctanal, Linalool, Eugenol. WARNING: Do not leave the candle unattended when it is lit. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Store upright. WARNING: do not leave lit candle unattended. Keep out of the reach of children and animals. Keep upright. ACHTUNG: die brennende kerze nie unbeaufsichtigt lassen. Von kindern und tieren fern halten. Stehend lagern. ATTENTION: don't leave the bougie without surveillance it is allumée. Keep children and pets at the door. Store in vertical position. WARNING: do not leave the light on without vigilance: keep it away from the shelter of children and animals. Store in a vertical position. WARNING: no lights are left open. No one is left behind to copy the animals.

  • Italia

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